How To Deal With Stress at Work

Young man on his laptop stressed out from work

What Is Workplace Stress?

Stress in the workplace can affect employees in various ways and negatively impact their well-being, productivity, and overall performance. Some common causes of workplace stress include heavy workloads, tight deadlines, lack of support from colleagues or supervisors, unclear expectations, poor work-life balance, and conflicts with coworkers.

Recognizing Signs of Work-Related Stress

Our bodies tell us in different ways that we are experiencing stress. Some of those physical symptoms may be fatigue, muscular tension, headaches, heart palpitations, sleeping difficulties, and an upset stomach that can include diarrhea and constipation.

When we experience this stress, we are less productive in the workplace and also in our personal lives.

If we are unable to sleep well, eat well, or avoid headaches from stress, we are unable to do our work efficiently. We are more apt to call in sick and spend the day trying to recover from one or several ailments. You are more likely to set yourself back when you return to work due to having the day off. The cycle will continue if we don’t address the stress source.

In our personal lives, this stress also carries over due to the inability to sleep or eat well, and we must function after work with the household routine. The feelings are overwhelming, and we can spiral when not in our element.

Recognizing these signs and what to do about them is your first step!

Ways To Manage Stress

Your days can go more smoothly if you prioritize both your personal life and your work and make lists. Lists are your best friend! Acknowledge that you may not be able to get everything done on the list, but at least you can manage to follow through task by task as changes in your day evolve.

Get as much assistance from your family as possible to help you manage your daily tasks at home. Remember, it’s ok to ask for help…you can’t do it all! The stress has led to perfectionism, headaches, and sleepless nights.

Changing your mindset: If your laundry is not completed today, would this create a life-altering challenge? Be truthful with yourself; you will still manage until you do your laundry next time. By reframing our thoughts and challenging them cognitively, you will see that you can manage better.

Work is also a stressor that contributes to your mental and physical health.

Your workload, deadlines, workplace culture and environment are just a few reasons you feel stressed.

Ways To Manage Your Stress In the Workplace

Speaking with your manager/supervisor or someone you report to about your workload is a start. Often, management can’t assist you with the workload if they aren’t aware that you are overwhelmed.

Setting good work boundaries and working your designated hours is also a way to manage stress. By doing more, your employer may expect more. Doing your work as per your job description and not doing all the extras will assist in your everyday work/life balance.

Tasks To Be Set and Realistic Goals

Prioritize your most important tasks and items that are due very shortly. Know that you can manage better when you have a “game plan,” and your expectations of yourself are realistic. There are only so many hours in a day. Different workplaces require different priority tasks. By learning what your priorities are, you can better execute the work.

Communicating with your supervisor/manager or whomever you report to and keep them informed of your work progress. If they know that you are behind your deadline, perhaps they can help your problem solve the task by giving you some pointers on how to complete it. Take breaks throughout the day to recharge. Do something relaxing or go for a walk to help with your stress.

Your workplace and your home life need to be balanced. In all aspects of life, we seek to manage our time between work and our personal lives.

Communicating with your peers at work, managers/supervisors, etc., will help you cope more successfully at work.

In your personal life, you can prioritize by making lists, setting realistic goals, and seeking help from trusted sources.

When you become overwhelmed and unable to manage your stress levels both in your workplace and in your home, reach out to seek professional counselling to be able to work through your most difficult times.

Feel free to book a free consultation to learn more about how Stress Management Therapy can help.

Patrizia Zonta

Hi, I’m Patrizia (Patricia) Zonta, MSW RSW, a Registered Social Worker and Psychotherapist in Windsor with over ten years of experience in agency counselling and private practice. I aspire to help you become authentic and focus on living in the moment. I would be happy to answer any questions about my services or therapy process.

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